Get To Know CBG
There are over one hundred known cannabinoids. Traditionally, cannabis has been bred to be as high in THC as possible with very little regard for other cannabinoids. Nowadays, seed genetics companies are breeding for other cannabinoids, like CBD and CBG. Of course, there are countless seed companies offering CBD-dominant seeds, and a sizable CBD market has developed. Demand for CBG-dominant strains has taken off recently due to emerging research. Seed genetics companies, as well as growers, processors, and manufacturers like Sunny Skies CBD, have taken notice and launched products containing CBG. What is CBG used for? CBG works to fight anxiety, depression, and inflammation and works to slow down the proliferation of cancer cells. Research has shown it also significantly reduces intraocular eye pressure caused by glaucoma. CBG may be beneficial in treating conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, and cancer. Taken together, CBD and CBG are excellent sleep aids, especially when mixed with THC or delta-8, both known as the best cannabinoids for sleep. Receptor Pathways One way that CBD and CBG differ lies in the receptors that they can bind to. CBG, like many other cannabinoids, can bind directly to the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2. It is through these receptors that CBG is able to induce its effects on the body. CBD, on the other hand, can only weakly bind to CB1 and CB2, so instead, it induces its effects on the body by binding to non-cannabinoid receptors and acting on other receptor pathways (1). Availability Another difference between CBD and CBG is how available they are. CBD is certainly the more widely available cannabinoid, thanks to its larger popularity, familiarity, and more extensive research field. CBD is also present in higher quantities in plant material than CBG, meaning that it is an easier extract to source in high quantities. Neuroprotective qualities for Huntington’s patients One key health benefit that has been demonstrated in CBG but not CBD is neuroprotection for patients with Huntington’s disease. Huntington’s is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder that currently has no cure. CBG was found in one study to help manage the motor deficit symptoms of Huntington’s disease, while also protecting neurons from some of the damage that occurs with the progression of the disease. How are CBD and CBG similar? CBD and CBG share many similarities, especially in the effects they induce on the body. Both are non-psychotropic, meaning they won’t get you ‘high’ unlike THC. Both CBD and CBG have shown an ability to reduce inflammation, although CBD’s anti-inflammatory effects have been more strongly demonstrated. Research tells us that both CBD and CBG have antibacterial properties. Which should I take, CBD or CBG? As a general rule, CBG energizes your body and reinvigorates your mood, while CBD is more of a relaxant capable of calming your mind and balancing your internal functions. They also share similar benefits such as pain relief, anti-inflammation, and sleep promotion. We offer 1:1 CBD:CBG Tinctures, so you can get the benefits of both at the same time.
**Standard Disclaimer: CBD is not FDA-approved. We make no such claims that using our products will guarantee relief. Moreover, research regarding CBD is still ongoing and in the early stages.**
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